The renovation of the P-4 Building at Scott Air Force Base presents a number of unique contracting challenges. The high levels of security throughout the facility limit important site survey input that Guarantee usually generates to support its design build effort. The fact is that P-4 will be an advanced communications center, and that the project will be replacing and upgrading a number of "black box" encrypted services at the base, and that the communications infrastructure will feature technologies that are "the best of the best." In practical terms, that means delivering the highest available levels of connectivity to support their stringent bandwidth requirements. Given the specifications and the supporting network performance levels, it’s certain that Guarantee’s engineering and design resources will be integral to a successful project.
With the emphasis on security, the infrastructure that GECO is to supply will use, at various points, both SIPRNET (an acronym which stands for Secret Internet Protocol Router Network) and NIPRNET (Unclassified but Sensitive Internet Protocol Router Network). The first of these protocols, SIPRNET, supports the Global Command and Control System, the Defense Message System, and numerous other classified war-fighting and planning applications. For GECO, this means supplying dedicated and encrypted lines that must be kept separate from all other communications systems. Even the conduit used to house these lines has to be discrete, completely visible and fully segregated so as to avoid “contamination” by any other communications systems. The conduit for SIPRNET has to be revealed below the ceiling and visible at all points to assure its absolute integrity. By contrast, the "NIPRNET," is a network of Internet protocol routers used by the Department of Defense (DOD) to exchange un-classified but sensitive information between "internal" users. NIPRNET is used by the DOD to allow its personnel access to the Internet without exposing their computers to "reverse entry" by any form of unauthorized access.
The Scott P-4 assignment is a design-build, complete renovation project of an historic building originally constructed in 1938. The project scope includes the engineering and design of a new electrical system including transformers, with a 1200A 4 switchgear serving several sub panels, a back-up generator, transfer switch, fire alarm, and lighting, together with communications infrastructure, audio/visual and voice/data systems, and building security. Once completed, the New P4 facility will house roughly ninety percent of the office and conference space for a key command post at Scott Air Force Base.
Guarantee is proud to be a part of this exciting project on behalf of a great American military facility. Demolition has just begun and our engineering and design team is hard at work. Construction which will intensify in late spring with the project expected to be completed by December of 2012.